Thursday, July 30, 2009


I feel like people expect me to be profound. "You are in seminary! Tell us something!" I am not profound. I am generally, as a rule, sarcastic and sassy. I love to see people's reactions when I say certain things. I love to catch people off-guard and say something funny. Those are the things that people remember me by.

I have a friend here in Thessaloniki, Mohammad. Mohammad is a 20 year old refugee from Afghanistan. He fled the country after having his life threatened if he would not join the Taliban. He was only 17 when he came to Greece. Mohammad had to leave everything behind, his family and any form of identification. Essentially, he is trapped in Greece. He cannot leave the country until he gets the right paperwork and he cannot get that without the identification that he left behind. What can I possibly say to him that could be profound or even helpful? His experience is so far removed from my own. I cannot fathom what his life must be like.

Sarcasm tends to get lost in translation. In true My Big Fat Greek Wedding fashion, I had a Greek explain to me how the word "sarcasm" is a Greek word. Despite this fun fact, sarcasm does not always carry over into every culture. I have had to adapt the way that I relate to people. I can no longer relate through the use of laughter (though I have made many attempts) but rather through the art of being present.

I went to a park in my neighborhood this evening that was packed full of people despite the late hour. A German woman sat next down and proceeded to have a conversation with me. She did not speak English and I definitely did not speak German but we both used our Greek skills. I found that we were able to communicate. I have accomplished something this summer! I was able to understand and respond to her many questions about my life. We did not talk about anything profound but enjoyed our meager attempts at a conversation.

I think the point in relationships is not always having something profound to say but sharing what you are learning. I have found that it is all I have to offer. I cannot give you the answers to life's hard questions but I can share what I have learned along my journey. Hopefully, that is profound enough.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Things I love

so my other posts are too serious for even me. I'm not a boring person! So here is a list of random things that I love....

Stale Marshmallows.

I know, it sounds really gross and everyone makes fun of me for it but I love them! They are hard and the texture is completely different and they taste delicious!


Don't even try to give me Bud Light or Keystone. It takes like crap. But real beer, good beer awakens new senses. It is like coffee. You have to smell it because certain gases are emitted when it is poured and then taste it. There are such a variety of flavors and kinds that the tastes are endless! Which leads me to my next love...


I only drink Folgers if I am desperate. I have learned so much about coffee thanks to my bro-in-law. Good coffee makes you want to sit and enjoy it forever. Bad coffee makes you want to guzzle it down so you can stay awake. When you really pay attention to the different flavors (and I am NOT talking about hazelnut or caramel flavored coffee) are across the board. Some flavors really stand out and others just barely appear. It is great.

Playing games.

Games make people relax and forget themselves for awhile. It doesn't matter that you can't pay next months rent, you are awesome when it comes to Uno. For a moment, everyone is a winner.

Singing really stupidly or off-key.

I loooooove it. It makes me giggle about every time. I think it is a rare thing when you can truly entertain yourself.