Vulnerability. I like to think that I'm good at it but in reality I am not. So let's make a few attempts.
1. I think about being a mom sometimes and it freaks me out. I don't think I'd be a good mom. Sometimes I don't think I'm nurturing enough and the thought of staying home bores me to tears. But then I think about being a part of something, something being half of me and it is exciting. And then I think about teaching my child about life and that is really scary. And I think I might be a little selfish too....ok, maybe a lot selfish. I understand having a child comes with a lot of personal sacrifices and I don't think I'm ready yet. Part of my fears stem from not having met any person with whom I would be comfortable raising children with.
My parents did a fabulous job raising me (I'm also very humble) so I don't know where these thoughts come from but alas, they are there.
Well, there is my first attempt at being vulnerable.... :) more to come.
And if you ever want to talk about these more in person, I would also like to start being more vulnerable in person :)